Arjunraj is a filmmaker, visual storyteller and digital media producer. He engages with the medium of cinema and video art to emotionally engage and intellectually stimulate his audience sparking value-creative dialogues. Arjunraj is on a long-term journey understanding how bodies are read and counter read and its effect on our bodily belonging. In his early years of his filmmaking practice, he traveled across India on rail, road and foot working extensively with marginalised communities finding narratives that encompass the Indian identity. His stories dwell at the intersection of lived experience and imagined scenarios and are told by blurring the narrative divide of fiction and documentary. Arjunraj heads the digital media production of Oyoun, a cultural space in Neukölln that aims at bringing queerfeminist, decolonial and migrant perspectives. He is a Crossing Borders Fellow 2019 with the Robert Bosch Stiftung. When not filming, he goes for long walks or would be seen talking to a bird or a tree.