Suelen Calonga
Obará; W.A.R – Worldwide African Route
Suelen Calonga is a visual artist and researcher in arts and culture. Her interests revolve around knowledge transfer, investigations of black cultural heritage, the relationship between Archive-Knowledge-Memory, and counter-ethnography, a concept she develops to deepen the discussion about the role of museums and national archives and their collections. Suelen has a master’s degree in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar); a bachelor in Social Communication (PUC Minas), and a specialization diploma in Images and Media Cultures UFMG).
- CALONGA, S. Why do the Archives archive? A journey from the hunko to the counter-ethnography and back. Master Thesis, Bauhaus Universit t Weimar, 2020.
- CALONGA, S. Em dire o contra-etnografia. InterEspa o: Revista de Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade, v. 6, e202032, 2020.
- ALMEIDA, E., ALBUQUERQUE, V., CALONGA, S. Pegadas antirracistas rumo encruzilhada: arriando o eb [Antiracist footsteps towards the crossroads: offering the eb ]. in: Giro Epistemol gico para uma Educa o Antirracista. Org: NOGUEIRA, Sidney; TABET, Gabriela; SOUZA, Ellen S o Paulo: Pedro & Jo o Editores. 2021.