Fabian Bernhardt

Fabian Bernhardt

Freie Universität Berlin

Fabian Bernhardt studied Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology and Comparative Literature. In 2018, he received his PhD from the Institute of Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies” at Freie Universität Berlin. In his work, he is primarily concerned with historical injustice, violence, guilt, vulnerability, the affective afterlife of troublesome pasts, and colonial specters.


  • Vergebung. Eine Reflexion im Ausgang von Paul Ricœur, Berlin 2014
  • Recht und Emotion II. Sphären der Verletzlichkeit, Freiburg/München 2017
  • Rache. Über einen blinden Fleck der Moderne, Berlin 2021
Fabian Bernhardt